Construction project railway station Glattbrugg

As a general contractor we were able to plan a project for the centre of Glattbrugg. The aim of the project study was to create a place where the passers-by from the station to hurrying station stop, gladly linger and of course also some shopping on the way home or to work. But not only for the commuters but also for the residents of Opfikons an urban square and not an introverted shopping mall arises.


News report 10to10 | WIBO Widmer GmbH

Urban planning

The project will transform the station site into a centre and meeting place for the commuters and the residents of Glattbrugg. The new superstructure forms a sign of the gradual urbanization of the Schaffhauserstrasse in Glattbrugg.

The building field is located at an intersection where the different urban structures meet. To the north are the voluminous, large scale office and commercial buildings, in the south the three-storey residential area with its small scale structure connects to the Schaffhauserstrasse. To the West is the railway station and to the east the property is bordered by the street intersection with rather small scale buildings. Our project combines these different structures with the formulation of the outer spaces and the graduated building volumetry and sees itself as a fit.


The new concave-shaped station Square takes the commuters to the front and is the heart of the entire complex. The shops, the bar and the restaurant invite people to linger. The station Square will be established in the future as a popular meeting place in Glattbrugg. A slightly ascending alley connects directly to the funnel-shaped station square with the higher-situated square at the crossroads, where there are already shops and catering establishments.

Do you want to know more?

If you have any questions, please contact us at 044 810 50 25.

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